Ovingham Middle School Sustains ‘Good’ Ofsted Report

In line with Cheviot Learning Trust's commitment to offering optimal learning for the students and upholding educational excellence, we are delighted to disclose Ovingham Middle School's Ofsted evaluations.
On 19th and 20th March 2024, Ovingham Middle School was inspected by Ofsted, with the outcome that they continue to be a ‘Good’ school.
The report offered many highlights and strengths, including an overall message that the school fosters a culture of aiming high, focusing on both academic excellence and personal conduct.
The students
One standout aspect of the Ovingham is its emphasis on tolerance and respect, with students demonstrating these values in their relationships. Ofsted noted that bullying is taken seriously, with students encouraged to address it, confident that adults would promptly intervene if necessary.
Ofsted also noted that students readily embrace the school's core values and understand how they shape their choices and interactions. Academically, students enjoy their lessons and express enthusiasm for the wide range of opportunities available beyond the classroom.
Sporting activities are particularly popular, with the school ensuring that all students can participate, whether competitively or inclusively. Additionally, Ofsted noted there are various extracurricular activities, such as debate clubs, theatre trips, and Spanish film club, providing a well-rounded experience for students.
The Staff
The inspection commended the school leadership for maintaining a focus on delivering high-quality education. Ofsted could see how students trust in the staff to support them and ensure their safety, contributing to an overall sense of happiness and achievement.
The report also noted how high expectations are set for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ensuring equal ambition and support.
At Ovingham, positive behaviour is consistently reinforced, with structured systems in place to address any disruptions. Ofsted noted the strong emphasis on personal, social, health, and economic education, fostering mature discussions on equality, diversity, and safety.
The Ofsted inspection noted that Key Stage 3 students benefit from bilingual preparation in French and Spanish, enhancing their readiness for high school. The report noted the curriculum's thoughtful organisation facilitates continuous learning, complemented by subject-specialist teaching across all ages. Additionally, recent initiatives focusing on reading culture development ensure support for students struggling with literacy.
The Future
Preparation for future employment is a priority at Ovingham, and the Ofsted inspection was able to see this through comprehensive exposure to various career paths through PSHE lessons and career fairs. Staff members express satisfaction with leadership support and a conducive workload environment, contributing to a proud school community ethos.
In addition, it was noted that the school’s governance and oversight are robust, ensuring a sharp focus on the school's priorities and continuous improvement.
Headteacher Jenny Bullock comments on the Ofsted inspection and report stating: “We are delighted with the report following the recent Ofsted inspection and we feel it clearly conveys how fantastic the pupils are, and the enormous commitment and dedication from the staff team and Local Governing Body. A huge thank you to the parents who have supported us on the journey of improvement over the last few years. We very much look forward to continuing to ensure that we aim high for all the pupils at OMS"
As we commemorate this achievement, Ovingham reaffirms its commitment to fostering a nurturing learning environment for all. To explore more about Ovingham, visit their website: https://oms.cheviotlt.co.uk/.